Starting Labs on Roar
Start a new Roar Session
Request a "BYOE Jupyter server" session via the Roar portal (see starting Pluto Server)
You can proceed to the next step, while you're waiting for it to star.
Clone your github repository to begin a new assignment
Lookup the url for the repo to be cloned (from Canvas assignment page for that lab or in an announcement).
If you haven't followed the link to create your repo for this week's assignment yet, then do that now. Following that link should trigger GitHub to create a private git repository named labN-GITHUBID (where N is the week number and GITHUBID is the GitHub username that you're logged in as at the time you follow the link).
Navigate to the github repository you'll be using in your browser.
Click the green <> Code button.
In the local tab, under "Clone", clikc "SSH" (unless it is already selected).
Click the clipboard icon to copy the url onto your clipboard
Return to your browser tab with "My Interactive Sessions".
Hopefully, there's now a Connect to Jupyter Server button. Click it.
Go to the newly opened tab, you'll have a Jupyter Lab Server.
If you don't see tiles for Python, Julia and Pluto Notebooks, then click File.NewLauncher.
Find the Terminal tile or in the menu system, File.New.Terminal.
In the new terminal tab, change into your work directory (
cd ~/work
) and clone your github repo by running
git clone REPO_URL
where REPO_URL
is what you'll paste from the clipboard
Instantiate the lab's environemnt
Change into the directory that was created for the repository (we'll call it REPO_DIR) and setup all the package dependencies required (as specified by the Project.toml or test/Project.toml file or embedded in Pluto notebooks) by running
julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate(); '
Open Pluto notebook
Go back to the browser tab with your Jupyter Lab server running.
If you do not see the a tile for Pluto, then go to File.NewLauncher.
Most labs will contain one or more Pluto notebooks (typically their file names be like ex1.jl, ex2.jl). To open one in Pluto,
Click the Pluto tile. A new tab will open in your browser for the Pluto session.
In the box labeled "Enter path or URL..." under "Open a notebook", type the path to the directory containing the repo, a forward slash and the name of the first notebook (e.g., 'lab1-yourgithubid/ex1.jl'). Tab completion is often helpful.
Do your work in the notebook.
When you're done with a notebook, make sure it is saved (Ctrl+S) and close the tab.
Commit your changes
Ideally, you'd commit small changes as you go. At a minimum, make sure that you commit your changes each time you are wrapping up a coding session or about to take a break.