Starting Labs on Roar

Start a new Roar Session

  • Request a "BYOE Jupyter server" session via the Roar portal (see starting Pluto Server)

  • You can proceed to the next step, while you're waiting for it to star.

Clone your github repository to begin a new assignment

  • Lookup the url for the repo to be cloned (from Canvas assignment page for that lab or in an announcement).

    • If you haven't followed the link to create your repo for this week's assignment yet, then do that now. Following that link should trigger GitHub to create a private git repository named labN-GITHUBID (where N is the week number and GITHUBID is the GitHub username that you're logged in as at the time you follow the link).

    • Navigate to the github repository you'll be using in your browser.

    • Click the green <> Code button.

    • In the local tab, under "Clone", clikc "SSH" (unless it is already selected).

    • Click the clipboard icon to copy the url onto your clipboard

  • Return to your browser tab with "My Interactive Sessions".

  • Hopefully, there's now a Connect to Jupyter Server button. Click it.

  • Go to the newly opened tab, you'll have a Jupyter Lab Server.

  • If you don't see tiles for Python, Julia and Pluto Notebooks, then click File.NewLauncher.

  • Find the Terminal tile or in the menu system, File.New.Terminal.

  • In the new terminal tab, change into your work directory (cd ~/work) and clone your github repo by running

git clone REPO_URL

where REPO_URL is what you'll paste from the clipboard

Instantiate the lab's environemnt

  • Change into the directory that was created for the repository (we'll call it REPO_DIR) and setup all the package dependencies required (as specified by the Project.toml or test/Project.toml file or embedded in Pluto notebooks) by running

julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate(); '

Open Pluto notebook

  • Go back to the browser tab with your Jupyter Lab server running.

  • If you do not see the a tile for Pluto, then go to File.NewLauncher.

  • Most labs will contain one or more Pluto notebooks (typically their file names be like ex1.jl, ex2.jl). To open one in Pluto,

    • Click the Pluto tile. A new tab will open in your browser for the Pluto session.

    • In the box labeled "Enter path or URL..." under "Open a notebook", type the path to the directory containing the repo, a forward slash and the name of the first notebook (e.g., 'lab1-yourgithubid/ex1.jl'). Tab completion is often helpful.

  • Do your work in the notebook.

  • When you're done with a notebook, make sure it is saved (Ctrl+S) and close the tab.

Commit your changes

Ideally, you'd commit small changes as you go. At a minimum, make sure that you commit your changes each time you are wrapping up a coding session or about to take a break.