Updating files from a lab
In case the instructor makes changes to the template after you've cloned the template, it would be useful to be able to merge in those changes easily. To prepare for that, you can set a remote upstream repository. Here I assume that your REPO_URL was https://github.com/GITHUBID/example-GITHUBID.git. Notice that we're replacing the first GITHUB id by the organization name "PsuAstro528" and remove the "-GITHUBID" at the end.
git remote add upstream git@github.com:PsuAstro528/example.git
If you haven't started or have only made a few minor changes to existing cells, then you can attempt to have git merge changes from the starting repository by running either
git pull upstream main
or if you have a newer version of git
git pull upstream main --allow-unrelated-histories
Unfortunately, Pluto notebooks can be a bit finicky, particularly if you start adding and removing cells. So if you've already made lots of changes, then it may make more sense to:
make a backup copy of the notebook that you've been working in,
download the replacement notebook from the starter repository,
overwrite your notebook, and
copy and paste in any important additions/changes you've made to the notebook.
Hopefully, you won't need to do that often!